New Mortgage Loan Programs Don't Be Fooled
/New Mortgage Loan Programs Don't Be Fooled
With all the miss information flying around out there and I wanted to help clear some things up. First, not everyone qualifies or is disqualified for a lot of the government loan programs out there. The only way to know for sure is to meet with with a mortgage loan officer like myself. If you hear of a Loan program that sounds to good to be true please call and verify with a licensed mortgage officer. I can help you find out if what you have heard is true or not.
I work for a company that stays up to date of all the latest true loan information. I promise I am the right guy to talk to. Let me show you what my experience can do for you. Don't wast time with companies that give you less than accurate information. Call a local mortgage broker like myself today and let me help you achieve your loan goals.
You can also call 503.910.3043 or email me at